
Welcome to ChasingTheHobby!

My name is Jimmy (some call me Chaos) and I am the owner and founder of ChasingTheHobby. I have been a fan of collecting since I was 5 years old watching Star Wars in the movie theaters for the first time. Sports cards, comics, pop culture collectibles, you name it, I collected it!

The idea of collecting for me was a way to be connected to my favorite passions. The goal of ChasingTheHobby is to give you those connections. You open a box, and you are immediately taken back to a moment in time, whether it's a comic, movie, sports moment, or a time you unwrapped your favorite collectible for the first time. We are all chasing something! Our goal is to help you have that moment all while providing you with the BEST VALUE mystery boxes out there! Everyone has opened a mystery box and ended up disappointed because they got no value back. Open a $200 box... get $30 in value back.. Open a $50 box... and get $5 in value back.. We aim to fix that! We want you to feel confident knowing that you are going to open a ChasingTheHobby product and having something to show for it! 

Be sure to join our community Discord server to be in the loop on everything going on with the brand! https://discord.gg/agBkaA9c34

"Never stop chasing your hobby"

Jimmy (Chaos)